Emerging & Enabling Technologies Round 2

Innovate UK – Emerging & Enabling Technologies – Round 2

Competition opens on 6th March 2017
Register before midday on 3rd May 2017
Apply before midday on 10th May 2017

In the latest round of this Innovate UK funding competition, businesses can apply for a share of £15 million to develop technologies to stimulate future products, services and industries.

The aim of the competition is to help UK businesses broaden their innovation activities, disrupt existing markets and find new revenue sources.

The 4 priority areas in the competition are:

1. emerging technologies
2. digital
3. enabling capabilities, including electronics, sensors and photonics (ESPs), robotics and autonomous systems, and creative economy
4. space applications

Innovate UK are looking to fund a portfolio of projects. These may include technical feasibility, industrial research or experimental development.


Who is Eligible to Apply?

Grants can be awarded to projects led by a UK-based business of any size. In certain circumstances a research and technology organisation (RTO) may also be eligible to lead. Projects led by SMEs are welcomed and an SME can apply on its own for funding up to £100,000. All consortia must involve at least one SME.

If total project costs are between £35,000 and £100,000, an SME can work on the project alone or with partners. If total project costs are £100,000 or more, the project must include at least two grant-claiming partners working together.


Competition Criteria

Projects must meet all the following criteria in order to be considered for funding:

• show significant innovation in one of the priority areas (as referenced above)
• show outputs that could be applied in more than one industry, sector or market
• improve business growth, productivity and/or create export opportunities for at least one UK SME involved in the project

Projects are expected to last from 6 months to 3 years and range in size from total project costs of £35,000 to £2 million. An organisation may only lead on one project, but they could be a partner in two further projects. Project work must be carried out and you must intend to exploit the results in the UK.

Projects costing more than £500,000 and lasting 2 years or longer should demonstrate a current understanding of the challenge being addressed and the needs of customers or users. Otherwise, such activities should be included in the first 6 months of the project.

R&D Funding Group can advise if your business is eligible to apply for this competition and help you win funding. To find out more, please contact Stephen Dyson on 020 3603 2096 or email sdyson@rdfunding.co.uk