research and development department

Who We Are

The team at R&D Funding Group are all specialists in R&D tax relief with a background in a range of industry sectors. You can be assured that our knowledge, experience and expertise is second to none.

Management Team Our Clients How We Help

Management Team

Ian Moss | Bsc (Hons)


Ian has been involved in R&D Tax Relief since the scheme’s inception in 2001 and has assisted some of the UK’s most innovative SMEs and Large Companies to maximise their R&D funding.

Throughout his time in the industry he has successfully combined his technical and financial experience with a working knowledge of the complex R&D tax legislation, to ensure that all clients’ qualifying R&D projects are identified, documented and claimed for.

Stephen Dyson | MBA MSc (Innovation)


With 16 years’ specialist experience in R&D funding combined with technological and business expertise, Stephen has successfully worked with a wide range of SMEs and large blue chip clients – discovering eligibility to claim for many businesses that were previously advised otherwise, and maximising claims for those where the extent of eligibility was under-estimated.

If you want to check that your company is claiming its full entitlement to R&D Tax Relief, or to discuss grant funding options, please get in touch with Stephen for a quick, no-obligation consultation.

R&D Tax Credits Team

Every member of the technical team at R&D Funding Group has between 10 and 15 years’ experience in the niche field of R&D Tax Credits. They have each prepared successful claims for SMEs from a wide range of industry sectors along with many renowned large companies.

R&D Grants Team

We partner with a team of skilled grant writing professionals who have been helping companies secure R&D grants for over 10 years. They are highly qualified in healthcare, material sciences, engineering and software development and have developed successful processes which give you the best chance of securing grant funding.

research and development department

Who we work with

We work with both SMEs and large companies across a wide range of fields, including:






Video Games





Businesses in a wide range of industries can apply for R&D tax relief so even if you think it’s not relevant to your sector or activities, it’s always worth checking to see if you could be eligible to make a claim.

Accountants and Other Advisers

If you want to help your clients benefit from the various funding initiatives such as R&D Tax Relief, Video Games Tax Credits, Innovate UK and Horizon Europe grants, partnering with us will ensure you are best placed to assist them in getting the most from these incentives. Please click here for more information.

What we do to help your business

We help SMEs and Large Companies across the UK to maximise their R&D tax relief and increase their chances of receiving grant funding for their research and development projects.

By working closely with you we are able to quickly understand your technology, thus reducing your time in the claim process to just a few hours. We can also identify additional potential sources of R&D funding and help your business access this where appropriate.

Our dedicated focus on R&D tax incentives over many years has given us an in-depth understanding of how to prepare successful claims and grant applications, ensuring we gain absolute maximum value for your business.

Our Approach

Maximise R&D funding opportunities

Ensure claims are optimised

Minimise client time in preparing claims

Gain a competitive advantage, by winning bids and securing more funding