Innovation in Health and Life Sciences Round 3

innovation in health and life sciences research laboratory
Innovate UK – Innovation in Health and Life Sciences Round 3

Competition open now
Competition Closes at 12 noon on 6th December 2017

Innovate UK is investing up to £15 million in innovation projects that support small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop innovation in health and life sciences (H&LS). These should address challenges in H&LS that lead to increased agri-food productivity, quality and sustainability or improved healthcare outcomes.

Projects must show significant innovation in one of the following priority areas:

– increasing agricultural productivity
– improving food quality and sustainability
– advanced therapies (cell and gene therapies)
– precision medicine
– medicines discovery
– pre-clinical technologies
– advanced biosciences

Proposals must show how projects will enable a significant change in competitiveness and productivity for at least one UK SME involved in the project. Innovate UK are accepting applications for Knowledge Transfer Partnerships in H&LS at this time.


Project Eligibility


To be eligible for funding you must:

– be a UK based business of any size or research and technology organisation (RTO)
– carry out your project work and intend to exploit the results in the UK

To lead a project you must:

– be an SME if you wish to work alone on a project of 12 months or less and with costs up to £100,000
– work in collaboration, including at least one SME, if your project has costs over £100,000 and/or is longer than 12 months

Non-academic RTOs may lead a project providing:

– they are able to state clearly why the RTO, and not one of the business participants, should lead the project
– they collaborate in the project with at least 2 or more businesses (including one SME)
– their involvement is no greater than 30% of the total eligible project costs
– the project shows a compelling route to market, most likely through the non-lead partners


R&D Funding Group can advise if your business is eligible to apply for this Innovation in Health and Life Sciences grant, and help you win funding. To find out more, please contact Stephen Dyson on 0161 464 6351 or email