Category Archives: News

R&D Tax: How to Avoid a HMRC Enquiry

Since it was identified that the R&D tax relief schemes have been subject to high [...]

Applying for Grant Funding in 2024

Grant funding helps companies of all sizes invest more in R&D projects and realise commercial [...]

Merged R&D Tax Scheme Announced in Autumn Statement

Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt confirmed in his 2023 Autumn Statement that the current Research & Development [...]

Grant Funding Opportunities Oct-Dec 2023

Throughout the year there is always a range of SME grant funding opportunities open to [...]

R&D Tax Credits Statistics 2023

HMRC have today released their 2023 annual report on R&D Tax Credits Statistics, providing information [...]

New deal for UK to rejoin Horizon Europe

A bespoke deal has now been secured for the UK to rejoin Horizon Europe, the [...]

New Mandatory R&D Tax Additional Information Form

August 2023 sees the introduction of a new mandatory R&D tax additional information form which [...]

Grant Funding Opportunities July-Sept 2023

If your business is looking for additional funding to support its innovation activities, below is [...]

Summary of R&D Tax Credits Reforms in 2023

This year the R&D tax relief schemes are seeing the biggest changes since they were [...]

Latest Grant Funding Competitions 2023

With a wide range of grant funding opportunities available to innovative SMEs in the UK, [...]